DHS’s Immigration
and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Office of the CIO released an amendment to the TECS
Investigative Case Management (ICM) on Jun 17. Interested bidders should take
apply some analytics to developing their compliance matrix, as the Statement of
Objectives – dated May 1, 2014 – has some interesting parameters.
Perception has examined the SOO language and developed word and phase counts.
The most common substantive word in the 11,000 word SOO is “system,” with 275 occurrences.
OK, no big deal, it’s a system acquisition, but the QPL Frequency Index of
nearly 24 makes that a bit unusual.
next most frequent word is “shall” with 172 occurrences, a frequency index of
almost 15. That’s a lot of requirements! Indeed, the word “requirements” has an
index of 4.7, with 54 occurrences.
Other high-use words of note include “”subject” (90 occurrences), “support”
(40), and “solution” (31). There are some clues to the acquisition intentions
in the word frequencies.
Quantified Perception’s phrase analysis supports the massive compliance
challenge: “System shall” (62 occurrences) and “offeror shall” (42) mean the
successful bid not only has to state compliance but also make sure it is easily
verified by the evaluation team. Quantified Perception suggests adding a
compliance table as a proposal appendix to make it easy for the evaluators to
find each requirement.
Two high frequency terms for proposal emulation are “subject,” to
indicate a case subject record (“subject record(s)” is used 50 times in the SOO)
and “correlation ID”, used a dozen times. Successful offerors will ensure they
validate their language with the SOO terminology.