Monday, February 23, 2015

DISA, in 30 words or less

One of Quantified Perception’s activities is to analyze Agency strategic plans to provide a distillation of their key concepts as they have projected them over (usually) a five-year period. This represents an abbreviated and abridged version of such an analysis. If you are planning to do business with the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), you should study their strategic Plan, released last May. The Director’s introduction notes that the 2014-2018 Plan incorporates words that were “new to our lexicon” two years earlier. The Plan also reinforces some of the key concepts that have long been a part of the DISA focus. Quantified Perception has reduced the DISA Strategic Plan to 30 words and phrases, sort of an ultimate distillation of the plan. This of course is not enough to build your capture plan, but it is an interesting snapshot of how a complex agency can be summarized succinctly.

We have divided key words and phrases from the DISA plan into four primary categories, with a fifth are inserted for further clarity. The categories are concepts, actions, platforms, and technologies, with participants included just in case you aren’t familiar with DISA at all. If you’d like to know more about Quantified Perception’s approach, contact us at